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Backstory: I grew up being best friends with Jacobs younger sister. For so many years, he was like an annoying older brother to me, second to my own annoying older brother. So many memories of my childhood and teenage years include this dude, from basketball on the trampoline (where a fight almost always broke out between the three siblings lol), trips to Destin, playing Zelda, fishing and fireworks at the farm, and so many more. Because of his sisters friendship, I gained a whole other family, including him, so being able to photograph his wedding is very special to me.

Now. Growing up with this gangly, awkward kid, you'd never think he'd land such a fun, beautiful gal like Nyomi. But he totally did, and she's pretty dang awesome (Go here to read a little bit about out time together during her bridal session). Capturing them both surrounded by their families and friends, celebrating their pants off (not literally), meant more to me than you can imagine.

You can't really tell from these, thank goodness, but it was COLD this day... which is apparently pretty odd for this area of Texas, even in January. However that didn't stop us from sticking it out and using the awesome sunshine and beautiful spanish-esque architecture of this church for photos. I couldn't resist. And what troopers everyone was! Big high-five and thanks to the wedding party!

Details and decor were ON POINT, more than I could have hoped for. But really, what I loved even more were the sweet moments shared between Nyomi and Jacob and everyone around them. It also goes without saying that these guys know how to have fun (but I already knew that, having been to many a crawfish boil with the Jourdan clan). We may have left this night exhausted, but my heart was full. These two both have incredible families, the type who are quick to welcome you in and treat you as their own.

To Jacob and Nyomi, the Jourdans, and Villafranca families: It was truly a blessing and an honor to photograph this wedding. THANK YOU for being so welcoming, kind, and fun. Y'all the real MVPs.

PS. Don't worry. That send off "snow" is eco friendly ;)

PPS. BIG thanks to Pamela for bringing Rowdy and I cake and cookies throughout the night. It is through you that we were given the strength to carry on to hour 13.



VENUE: Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church / Club Westerner

DECORATOR: Kurt & Company

CATERER: Shannon Cummins

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